Disadvantages of goat milk

Disadvantages of Goat Milk

Disadvantages of goat milk are rarely discussed because of the many benefits derived from the product. However, just like all other things in the world, goat milk has some cons. Goat milk is very healthy and offers many benefits including high proteins, easy to digest, low cholesterol, good for metabolism, plenty of minerals and vitamins. You can read more on the benefits of consuming goat milk for your skin.  

The disadvantages of goat milk include strong smell and taste, high levels of fat, high amounts of calories, can cause bloating, lack of Folic Acid, B12, and Zinc, and low availability of the product.  

Let’s look at each of the disadvantages of goat milk.

Strong smell and taste

Goat’s milk smell and taste can be overwhelming for some people, it’s not for everyone. The milk has a combination of tastes including a sweet taste combined with a very unusual salty and musky taste. Some individuals find it unpleasant.  

The ‘goaty’ taste of the milk has been one of the reasons why you will not find goat milk being served daily to many people. The milk also has a strong smell compared to cow milk. People who are sensitive to smells especially find it hard to drink or gulp down.

One of the advantages of goat milk is the high levels of lactic acid. However, this can also be a disadvantage, because the lactic acid can double when the milk is stored above 380 Celsius. The increased levels significantly affect the smell and flavor of the milk.

The smell and taste of goat milk are also dependent on the diet of the goat that produced the milk as well as the cleanliness of the goat and milk handling. If the goat has a healthy and diverse diet and includes grass, the milk can be sweet.

The strong smell is also reduced if the goat is clean as well as the milk handlers. Goats also produce pheromones especially the bucks as well as those kept close to the bucks. The smell produced can easily pass into the milk. Goats kept for goat milk should be kept in clean environments as well as cleaned and brushed regularly to reduce the ‘goaty’ taste and smell in milk.

High Levels of Fat

Goat milk has high fat which can also be a problem. Goat’s milk fat is mainly saturated fat which is healthy fat. However, it’s important to note that a cup of goat milk has almost double the amount of fat compared to a cup of cow milk. This might be a concern for people who are watching their fat intake.

People who have pancreatic complications are also advised to avoid consuming large portions of goat milk. The high amounts of fat content have been associated with pain amongst patients with pancreatic problems. The milk is also not recommended for people with thick blood because it can cause an increase in hemoglobin.

High in Calories

Naturally, goat’s milk contains low cholesterol. However, compared to cow’s milk as well as other milk variants such as plant-based milk products, goat milk has higher calories. Plant-based milk products including almond milk or soy milk have lower calories. People who are conscious about their daily calorie intake tend to read labels including those of goat milk products to make sure they are informed about what they are consuming.

Can cause bloating

Goat milk contains less lactose which makes it easy to digest. It has smaller fat globules and proteins when compared to those found in cow’s milk. However, the reduced amounts of lactose can still cause some side effects amongst consumers. Some people still experience digestive issues including bloating and gas. Goat’s milk may also cause constipation, especially when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it in large quantities as well as for those with high levels of intolerance to lactose.

Lack of Folic Acid, B12, and Zinc

Goat’s milk has high amounts of lactic acid but has low amounts of folic acid.  Folic acid is the vitamin B9 component in synthetic form, it’s needed because it helps reduce the risk of cancer, neural tube birth defects, as well as lower homocysteine levels. Compared to cow milk, goat milk also has lesser volumes of vitamin B12 as well as a little less zinc. Vitamin B12 is utilized in the formation of red blood cells, it also promotes bone health.  The vitamin has also been shown to aid in preventing the development of age-related muscular degeneration.  Zinc is an essential nutrient which helps reduce the risk of age-related illnesses, as well as keeping the immune system strong.

Availability of Goat Milk

Goat milk is cheaper to produce; however, goat milk contributes to only about 2 percent of the total global milk supply. The product isn’t mass produced compared to other dairy beverages. The quantities are especially low compared to cow’s milk which is mass produced globally. Consequently, goat milk can sometimes be harder to access in markets.  The price might also be higher compared to other milk product alternatives.


Although drinking goat milk can present some disadvantages, it would be ill-advised to conclude that the product is bad for your health. In fact, check this post on the benefits of drinking goat milk for your skin. Goat milk can provide many awesome benefits when consumed in the right portions.

It is also important to understand your health needs which might inform you on how to incorporate goat milk in your diet. It is always advisable to introduce a little amount first and increase the portion gradually as you assess your tolerance. Individuals who experience any side effects from goat milk consumption should consider decreasing their intake or stopping altogether depending on severity. In the end, eating healthy so that you live a better life including getting a healthy skin is your choice, so choose wisely!

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One Comment

  1. You failed to mention the ethical reasons to NOT drink milk from another species. Goats are treated the same way as cows. Same abuse, different species.

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